All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
William Shakespeare, As You Like It
If all the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
Then we’ve created a society of masques
A culture of hiding behind facades created to impress
We live in a time when Fake is predominate,
And real is a rarity
The word genuine is used as a marketing ploy,
And is uncommonly used to characterize
Technology creates opportunities to communicate across the globe,
Yet real conversation,
the truest depth of sharing and communicating,
Is lost in a sea of wires and buttons
When a profile is your mask;
As changeable as your desire to impress,
A projected image conjured to be displayed,
For the world to look upon and judge
As we begin to navigate this depth of insincere media,
And see ourselves as a product to be sold,
To manipulate and market a person,
Creating something that is palatable to all
And we ask; are we merely players?
Acting as opposed to being?
Faking it, as opposed to risking vulnerability
And displaying the truth of you
The truth is;
God made you exactly the way he intended you to be
Nothing can hide the beauty of an uncovered soul,
Someone who is truly and simply themselves,
Relying upon love and faith,
Knowing that there is an unconditional Lord and Savior
Whose Love is far beyond the invisible paparazzi, or the silent audience
That every opinion in the world can not contend with the most prized one of all
The judgment of God; which is undoubtedly;
A position of Love and an attitude of acceptance.