Easter was a little different for me this year; no bunnies, no dying of hard boiled eggs, no searching the house for candies and chocolates, no mini eggs (which is the primary and most desired of Easter treats; they were deeply missed). It was a lovely spring weekend in Japan void of the commercial constructs that have attached themselves to my concept of Easter. As much as I missed these things that I have come to associate with Easter; I got to see Easter in a whole new light. A progress from Good Friday to Easter Monday; and all that God does in between.
The story starts with Sin; not a bright beginning, however without this backdrop the rest of the events remain insignificant. It is only in the recognition of my utter sinfulness that the rest of the story can be understood. Like a broken scale that can’t properly assess weight is the person who remains ignorant of the inordinate state of their sins. You can’t know the worth of Jesus’s actions until you can see your own deprived state. God peels back the layers of justification, pride, comparison, false comforts, and all other forms of spiritual make up that one uses to cover up the truth of our sinful core. God opened my eyes to the inner lives of others, and those you thought were ‘good’ come to be seen as faulty and wrong. There is no one exempt, none that are worthy, not a single person that is actually good.
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” Romans 3: 23.
As this truth sinks deeper into my spirit, I recognize my need in a desperate way; like a starving hunger. I become agitated by my need to be cleansed, my need to be fixed. This is quickly followed by my inability to bleach away past actions. I lay there suddenly aware that if help does not come, I will drown in my own sins. I am awoken to realize the urgency of my situation; I see the hazardous state of those around me; on the brink of death and yet walking happily through life.
This story is not looking good; It’s gotten to that point where I realize that I am absolutely bad. I have earned my sinful state in every way; and death is the only right I have, the one thing I truly deserve.
“For the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23.
Have you ever received a gift that you needed? Not one you wanted, you thought would be cool or fun.. but something that you really seriously needed. I can’t say that I’ve ever been in a point in my life when I needed something that badly that it was a matter of life or death. I’ve been very blessed that I have never experienced a life or death need in my life. The closest I’ve ever experienced to receiving something that I needed was a surprise gift of groceries during a financially difficult time. My reaction to this was nothing short of bawling. That someone would know me well enough, care about me enough and be so aware of my need to provide for me; without my asking they bought me food and dropped it off on my doorstep. This gift is nothing compared to God’s goodness; however it helps me to understand how profound God’s love is. Because when you really need something and it’s becomes provided for you, it is so much more beautiful than when it’s just something you want. When you are on the edge, and all you can do is accept and say thank you; there’s no repayment option, there’s no ability to earn or deserve it. It’s just a matter of great need and acceptance. The awareness of the severity of our need makes the gratitude for the gift that much more.
This is what Friday is… the day you deny Christ, the day you hammer the nails into his hand, the day that you see your Savior die… and that sense of wrong penetrates you to your core; your sins are revealed and you are overwhelmed with disgust.
“My ears had heard of you but now my eyes see you. Therefore I despite myself.” Job 42:5-6
Then comes the wait; the days between death and resurrection are just as important. This is the season of trust, faith and hope. There may not be an empty grave yet, there may not be signs of victory. There may not be anything to prove that this is going to be a happy ending… but there is a faith and a belief that something big will happen. This is also the time when God works on our character; the realization of our problem is overwhelming and we have to wait on our Lord for our answer. As we press into Him in the times of difficulty, the season that lies between problem and solution, we can see him at work in us. God uses this time to develop our character so we can be the person he needs us to be, a person who can serve Him better.
Then, Sunday Comes!!! In the light of a new day, Jesus is present. He has defeated the grave. The power of sin is broken, the penalty of death has been paid and the result is life. Freedom from everything that binds, healing for our hurts and pains, a cleansing from the sin that is inherent and pervasive. There aren’t words significant enough to do justice in explaining Easter Monday. It is the Victory you’ve been waiting for, it is the answer you need, it is the solution to your problem. All that is wrong has been made right in the moment that Christ returns.
“And they ran to him, grasped his feet and worshiped him” Matthew 28:9
What do you do when every punishment you so painfully deserve is paid in full; all that you need is provided for you, and the possibility of compensation is beyond your ability. The appropriate response is acceptance and gratitude; it’s worship and obeying. It’s living a life that is consumed with one purpose; to glorify our Lord; the one who has gone further for you then you could ever imagine, and only asks for you in return.